Sunday, November 24, 2013

Digital Dummy

The Instigator…

One of our responsibilities as teachers is to continuously be learning how to adapt to the ever changing and increasing demands of our modern society. In addition, students seem to be advancing faster than ever when it comes to technology, and it is often all we can do as educators just to keep in stride with them. For this reason, I was very much looking forward the annual BCATML (BC Association of Teachers of Modern Languages) Celebrating Languages conference which took place in Burnaby, B.C. this year. This conference principally focuses its efforts on introducing teachers to innovative and cutting-edge technologies and programs that promote student learning in second languages. Some of the highlights from this year’s conference included: Adding some umph to your language class; Multimodal language learning and technology; Get them talking: Connecting technology and oral interactions among many others. I personally attended workshops focusing on how to incorporate technology into the FSL classroom, how to make music videos and language raps, and how to use iPad apps as fun and integrative tools for teachers. As you can probably tell, the big theme at this year’s conference was ….. TECHNOLOGY!!!!!

A little about me…

I have never considered myself to be particularly “tech savvy”; however, as the years have gone by, I’ve watched myself fall further and further behind the times. I did not get to experience the internet until I was well into my teens, I did not get my first cell phone until I was 18, I refused to join Facebook until finally I couldn’t handle being the only one who didn’t know what was going on in a conversation (because some earth-shaking post had forever rocked the foundations of all my fb friends). When I found out that some in my social circle had starting “tweeting” one another I thought it was slang for some unmentionable act which is far too inappropriate to mention here.  Needless to say, I needed help, and I needed it quick. If I’m going to be able to relate to my future students and recognize what’s become important to them, I’d better jump on this band wagon – so I bought an iPad, which I still don’t fully understand how to use.

The inquiry…

So when the brochure for the BCATML conference fell into my hands, signing up was a no-brainer. It was time that I educated myself on this constantly evolving world of technology; it’s time that I explored and increased my own digital literacy – and you know what? It wasn’t so bad. In fact, it was pretty fun. So what I am offering here folks is a little taste of my journey from digital dummy to digital wizard. The following is a series of posts detailing what I consider to be the most useful and strategic ways to incorporate social media in the classroom. Now, I would like to take this moment in order to stress that I am far from an expert; however, that being said, I think that I can offer some valuable information from the perspective of a novice – and there are a lot of us out there! For instance, during the conference I had to get a 14 year old student to fix the internet connection on my iPad! It had something to do with a proxy-thingy? So I invite you all to grab your tablets or your smart phones and join me on my digital whirl wind!           

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